Friends of Sam
Friends of Sam is a group of kids helping kids. Friends of Sam is made up of several of Sam's good friends. They have been doing fund raisers to raise money to help kids in need.
Here's an article in the Burlington Free Press that announced the group's mission and some of the founding members:
Here's a list of events that Friends of Sam has held since 2007:
Friends of Sam supports local teens who lost their home to a house fire…..
Friends of Sam sent two Williston teens $200.00 gift certificates to the University Mall in order that they could replace some of their clothing and belongings that they lost in a house fire.
May 28, 2007 : Friends of Sam supports the Tyler Eklund Fund
Fourteen year old Tyler Eklund broke his C3 vertebrae while snowboarding at a national competition. He was paralyzed from the neck down. Friends of Sam supported the Tyler Eklund fund with a check for $2526.83 with the intention that it be used to help his family make his home wheel chair accessible. The funds for this donation were raised through the sale of T-shirts and Frisbees at a memorial birthday event in honor of Sam Cohn. Tyler was a participant in the High Cascade camp program as was Sam.
August, 2007 : Friends of Sam supports the Camels Hump Middle School
Friends of Sam purchased and donated new school supplies to the Camels Hump Middle School in Richmond, VT. They shopped for and delivered $420.00 worth of much needed supplies including notebooks, pencils, rulers, gluesticks, paper, etc. with the intention that it be made available to kids in need.
November, 2007 : Friends of Sam supports the Burlington Emergency Food Shelf and Local Families in Need:
Friends of Sam presented an art auction event at Jager Dipaolo and Kemp in support of the Burlington Emergency Food Shelf. At this event, Friends of Sam provided musical entertainment and refreshments, while visitors enjoyed the hand made art donations by the kids, their friends and family members. This event, combined with the Chili Cookoff with Hettena-Wright and Horton, netted close to 4000.00 in cash and food donations for area families and the food shelf:
May, 2008: Friends of Sam supports Abraham Nhail and family with $3000.00, that was raised at the Jam for Sam event at Talent Skate Park:
Here's Abraham's story:
We've just learned that Abraham is close to being reunited with his family
December 2007 & 2008: Friends of Sam supports Jingle Rails:
Jingle Rails in an event held at Bolton Valley Ski Resort in support of the mission of Friends of Sam. Skiers and Snowboarders competed for placement and prizes.
June 2009: Jam for Sam at Talent Skate Park
Friends of Sam and Talenet Skate park joined together again to raise funds for the Kraing Baing Village Project, a non-profit organization whose mission is to help the impoverished village of Kraing Baing, Camboidia. Friends of Sam raised and donated $700 to the project which was enough to support their goal of the installation of two clean water wells.