Posted by: samstone @ 11:32 am
My friend Dave put a samstone on Spilla Beach on the island of hydra.
Thanks Dave !!!!
Posted by: samstone @ 12:51 pm
Address |
14 Brian court
Carmel, Ny
US |
Where did you place the SamStone ? (please be as specific as you can e.g.: near a landmark, an address or a long/lat) |
Mine hill furnace Roxbury,ct |
Please tell us more about where and how you placed it |
Placed in the entrance to the furnace |
Upload a picture if you have one to share |
Posted by: samstone @ 8:13 am
Address |
Presa Rompepicos
(peakbreaker dam)
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
MX |
Where did you place the SamStone ? (please be as specific as you can e.g.: near a landmark, an address or a long/lat) |
Presa Rompepicos: 25.556689282076515, -100.3983698606521 |
Please tell us more about where and how you placed it |
Going up the stairs of the dam there is a tunnel that takes you to the other side of the dam, I left it there between the branches of a tree
This is the location on Google Maps: |
Upload picture 2 if you have one |
Upload picture 4 if you have one |
.jpg |
Posted by: samstone @ 8:08 am
Address |
Essex Junction , Vt
US |
Where did you place the SamStone ? (please be as specific as you can e.g.: near a landmark, an address or a long/lat) |
In a tree trunk at Remote Campsite #20 at waterbury reservoir |
Please tell us more about where and how you placed it |
My son, Lincoln – 8 , and i had camped last weekend at Duck Brook Shelter and found one Sam’s stones on the trail and I told him about them. He wanted to also bring the stone to somewhere else that was special. As we were camping this weekend he decided that our site at waterbury reservoir would be a great spot. |
Posted by: samstone @ 5:49 am
Address |
Presa Rompepicos
(peakbreaker dam)
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
MX |
Where did you place the SamStone ? (please be as specific as you can e.g.: near a landmark, an address or a long/lat) |
Presa Rompepicos: 25.556689282076515, -100.3983698606521 |
Please tell us more about where and how you placed it |
Going up the stairs of the dam there is a tunnel that takes you to the other side of the dam, I left it there between the branches of a tree
This is the location on Google Maps: |
Posted by: samstone @ 6:23 am
Brynn and carl put a Samstone at Nelson Mandela’s house

Posted by: samstone @ 5:33 am
Address |
Via Pietro Grocco
Firenze, Firenze
IT |
Where did you find the SamStone ? (please be as specific as you can e.g.: near a landmark, an address or a long/lat) |
Piazza del Duomo – Firenze – Italia. La pietra era alla base di una colonna sul lato destro della cattedrale all’esterno. |
Please tell us about where and how you found it |
Mio figlio Gabriele voleva passare vicino al Duomo, senza un particolare motivo, ci siamo fermati per parlare poi lui ha notato la pietra e l’abbiamo presa per guardarla. Abbiamo letto la storia di Sam sul sito e l’abbiamo portata a casa nostra, per adesso. |
Posted by: samstone @ 12:08 pm
Posted by: samstone @ 11:48 am
Carl and Brynn put a samstone at Victoria Falls !

Posted by: samstone @ 8:53 am
Carl and Brynn placed a samstone in in Sekondi, Ghana