Archives » April, 2009

Nishiarai Daishi Temple – Tokyo

Name = Jennifer Deforge Email = File attached = 01_samstone.jpg Message =I was given a Samstone while in Korea by an IBM coworker. We jokedthat we should leave it somewhere at Samsung Headquarters because itsa Sam Stone.  We never had time so I brought it back to my home inAdachiku ward, Nishiarai Tokyo, Japan […]

Ayuttaya – Thailand

Name = Michelle Jonas Email = File attached = Hanalei February 2009 409.JPG Message =Ayuttaya Thailand March 2009 #### Hanalei February 2009 409.JPG moved to MyAttachments Repository V3.8 () on 30 April 2009 by John M Cohn.

Shopping Mall – Tupper Lake NY

Name = Gabrielle Hart Email = File attached = m_d5f13ccba7764dc488ab1794e9ec5145.jpg Message =Hey, I'm from Tupper Lake, New York & a few weekends ago I was at themall and i dropped a sam-stone on the pay phone every time i walked byit (girls are crazy shoppers going back and forth from stores :p) Buteverytime I […]

Machu Picchu – Peru

 Name = Valerie (White) Gwinner Email = File attached = Samstone photo.jpg Message =I know there's already a Samstone on Machu Picchu, but now there'sanother. I wanted a stop full of the mystery and magic of the place,but no where near sacrificial stuff or temples. On a day when themist kept obscurring the mountains […]

Cerro Cora Nature Reserve, Pedro Juan Caballero – Paraguay

Name = Emerson Conlon Email = File attached = IMG_0829.jpg Message =Cerro Cora Nature Reserve, Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay.  On theshore of the Aquidabán Nigui River #### IMG_0829.jpg moved to MyAttachments Repository V3.8 () on 30 April 2009 by John M Cohn.

Easter Island – South Pacific

Name = Uwe Fassnacht Email = File attached = SamStone Easter Island.jpg Message =We placed a SamStone on the Easter Island, one of the most magicalplaces we've ever been to. All the best from the Fassnacht family! Blog: #### SamStone Easter Island.jpg moved to MyAttachments Repository V3.8 () on 30 April 2009 by […]

Aitutaki – Cook Islands

Name = Uwe Fassnacht Email = File attached = SamStone Aitutaki.jpg Message =While on Aitutaki (one of the Cook Islands) we dropped a SamStoneinto the lagoon … which Conde Naste rated as "most beautiful in theworld". Uwe, Anna, Lara & Finn Blog:

Muddy Waters – Burlignton, VT

Name = Madeline Email = Message = I found a samstone in Muddy Waters, Burlington VT. I go to boardingschool in Burlington, but I am going to college in California nextyear. I want to place the samstone somewhere in San Francisco when Imove.

Sedona – Arizona

Name = Steve Phillips Email = Message = We found a stone at a vortex in Sedona, Arizona when we where hikingwith our son Thomas-it was in such a lovley spot we left it there andlooked you guys up- its in a a good place and we hope his spirit  getsto visit  wherever his […]

Camels Hump – Vermont

Name = sam Email = Message = I found a SamStone on the bottom of Camelshump, VT i thought i shouldkeepit but my dad said it might be some ones else