JFK’s Grave – Washington DC
Name = Marla DeVito
Email = lilmismar21@yahoo.com
Message =
Hi there,
My daughters boyfriend is on his senior class trip and has left a Sam
Stone in Washington DC at the grave of our president JFK. He had to
wait til the security officer turned his head but Sam's Stone is
there! Now his class is on its way to Virginia Beach VA where my Son
was killed in a car accident and he will be leaving a Sam Stone on
the Boardwalk in honor of Sam and my Son because that was my Son's
favorite place to be. I'll have pictures very soon. Keep up the good
work and we'll keep on keeping Sam's memory alive,
With love and hope,
Marla, Tyler Breton's Mom
Published May 21, 2008 by samstone • Placed SamStone